Walking by Faith, Not by Sight

I know you are familiar with the statement, “to see is to believe.” But if you apply this in the spiritual realm, however, you will not believe in God whom you cannot see at anytime. As Apostle John has written, “For God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in the spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). In another passage, John writes “You have neither heard His voice at anytime nor have you seen His form” (John 5:37). So, as a reminder, Apostle Paul has written the Corinthian Christians, saying “For we walk by faith, not by sight” ( 2 Cor. 5:7).

Walking by faith simply means the absence of picture or image of the One you worship because how could you make a picture or image of someone you cannot see? If you do, it is blasphemy! Not eve n the Lord Jesus Christ who can be visible can be represented by a picture or image because even His disciples could not recognize Him when He appeared to them after His resurrection.

We must not forget that worship belongs only to God (Mt. 4:10; Lk. 4:8). But the fact, however, that God is in union with His only-begotten Son Jesus (John l4:10), worship to God the Father in the name of His Son is also worship to the Son and vice versa. So it is saddening to see many so-called Christians being surrounded with pictures or images when worshipping or praying. As the Lord Jesus has said “You of little faith!”

Disobedience to the word of God can only bring divine discipline. On the one hand, the obedient receive many kinds of blessings from God.

Let us therefore live day by day by faith and not by sight to be able to receive heavenly reward later.

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